Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm a financial doctor

Doctors find out what problems you have and find solutions to fix the problem. If the doctor is able to help that person, that person will show lots of gratitude and will trust you forever. This is basically what I do as a financial representative at Primerica. I see a client. Find out their needs and goals. Put together a financial needs analysis for the client. Present solutions that meets their needs and goals. Everyone goes home happy. The only difference between the doctor and I is that I don't charge any fees. If I help the client, the company pays me.


OneGoodCookie said...

I met with a Primerica representative yesterday and am considering working with this company. I have four children and feel strongly that I must have a flexible job so that I can be with them as much as possible. I need to generate an income though. Is Primerica all that you hoped it would be? I need honest answers. I don't want to jump into this and have it backfire in my face.

Doing the Right Thing said...

I understand your concern and when I first joined, I had no clue if I will succeed in this business. All I did was give it a try and see what happens. If you have a goal, Primerica can help you get there. I don't know what your goals are, but I have reached some of my goals such as buying a new car, paying off my debts, and renovating my home. My other goals include getting to RVP and earning $100k within a 12 month period. My ultimate goal is becoming financially independent.

If you feel that this business is not working, its because you are not working hard enough. The business system that Primerica has works. If you work, you will accomplish your goals.

AmazingCosec said...

Hi, Chong from Malaysia Hong Leong Assurance.

This is a right industry for people to help people to get better financial health.

I like your "I'm a financial doctor" concept.